The Musical World of Rocky Horror

Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Front Cover)Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Back Cover)

This production of The Rocky Horror Show took place at Seinäjoki City Theatre in Seinäjoki, Finland beginning on April 7th, 1995. The entirety of the album, both songs and dialogue, is in Finnish (translated for the show by Mauri "Moog" Konttinen). There are a couple English phrases though like the "Frank-N-Furter has left the building" announcement at the end of Super Heroes. This is a studio recording, but they do insert some recorded audience noise for effect in certain places. The final part of the CD includes a couple of 'hidden' tracks. The first is Science Fiction/Double Feature (Reprise). Then a bit later comes about twenty seconds of audience interaction with Frank. Approximate translation from the Finnish:

Frank: It's not easy having a good time
Audience: Then have a bad time
Frank: Even smiling makes my face ache
Audience: Smiling makes my balls grow
Frank: And Rocky is behaving just the way Eddie did

Plus assorted applause, screaming, and general mayhem. The translation was kindly provided by Milja Kanerva (a.k.a. "Mimmi, the Wonder Finn"), who also translated the liner notes for us:

It is incomprehensible that we have been able to live without The Rocky Horror Picture Show for almost three decades. It is incomprehensible that we can get to know Rocky right here in Seinäjoki, Pohjanmaa. It is incomprehensible that anything that is from this planet could hit us with similar strength: this close to a perfect trance we have never seen! Thanks to every soul who has been involved in The Rocky Horror Show production. Thanks to Seinäjoki City Theatre, who was not frightened by the cheerful interactivity of the Rocky cult members. Thank you Richard O'Brien! It has been sweet to be infected by this sickness! [This last line refers to a slogan that was used in advertising: The Sweet Sickness Has Arrived -Mimmi]

(Taken from a fan letter 26.9.'95)

It wasn't easy but that's the way it is... the harder the process, the brighter the diamond! Don't dream it, be it!

Olli-Matti Oinonen Horror director

Special thanks to all who participated in making the recording: Allu, Big Saarinen, Duke, Esa-Heikki, Hoppe, Sakke ja Lasse, Samppa, Säätiö/Latvis, Pertti Hakala, YLE/Tarppa

Play the CD loud, let's do the Time Warp again!

Finland ©1995 Poko Records (HORROR 666)
Released by Poplandia Music
EAN: 6417459466624

Total running time: 55:14

  1. (4:26) - 260 kbps MP3 or 29.6 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available. "Showtime..."
  2. (Dammit Janet) (2:38) - 243 kbps MP3 or 18.1 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  3. Frankensteinin Ikkunassa (Over At The Frankenstein Place) (3:43) - 246 kbps MP3 or 24.4 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  4. Aikahyppy (Time Warp) (3:16) - 248 kbps MP3 or 23.6 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  5. Transvestiitti (Sweet Transvestite) (3:46) - 235 kbps MP3 or 26.0 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  6. Damokleen Miekka (Sword Of Damocles) (2:44) - 258 kbps MP3 or 19.0 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available. Starts off with the Also sprach Zarathustra theme (think 2001: A Space Odyssey) to go along with the birth of Rocky.
  7. Kuin Uusi Mies (Charles Atlas Song) (2:00) - 233 kbps MP3 or 12.7 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  8. (Hot Patootie) (2:08) - 272 kbps MP3 or 15.5 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  9. Kuin Uusi Mies: Uusintana (Charles Atlas Song: Reprise) (1:50) - 256 kbps MP3 or 12.5 MB lossless FLAC sound files available.
  10. Ko-Ko-Ko-Ko Koske Mua (Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me) (2:36) - 229 kbps MP3 or 17.5 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  11. Toisinaan (Once In A While) (2:12) - 244 kbps MP3 or 15.1 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  12. Eddien Teddy (Eddie's Teddy) (2:53) - 245 kbps MP3 or 20.5 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  13. Palannet Tai Et, Janet! (Planet Schmanet, Janet) (3:41) - 244 kbps MP3 or 24.4 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  14. Ruususen Maailma (Floor Show) (7:00) - 246 kbps MP3 or 48.3 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  15. Palaan Kotiin (I'm Going Home) (2:45) - 252 kbps MP3 or 17.8 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
  16. (7:32)
    1. Supersankarit (Super Heroes) - 236 kbps MP3 or 20.2 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available. "Frank-N-Furter has just left the building."
    2. - 229 kbps MP3 or 8.2 MB lossless FLAC sound files, and song lyrics available.
    3. Dialogue (Hidden Track) - 215 kbps MP3 or 2.1 MB lossless FLAC sound files available. Rough translation of the Finnish dialogue on this track: "It's not easy having a good time." ("Then have a bad time!") "Even smiling makes my face ache." ("Smiling makes my balls grow!") "And Rocky is behaving just the way Eddie did..."

Missing songs: NONE!

Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Front Cover)
CD Front Cover
750x749 JPEG, 524 KB
Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Back Cover)
CD Back Cover
750x589 JPEG, 400 KB
Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Compact Disc)
Compact Disc
747x750 JPEG, 263 KB
Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Liner Notes Part 1)
CD Liner Notes
750x748 JPEG, 492 KB
Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Liner Notes Part 2)
CD Liner Notes
750x747 JPEG, 480 KB
Rocky Horror Show, 1995 Finnish Cast CD (Liner Notes Back)
CD Liner Notes Back
748x750 JPEG, 510 KB

Käsittämätöntä, miten olemme voineet elää ilman Rocky Horror Picture Showta lähes kolme vuosikymmentä. Käsittämätöntä, että saamme tutustua Rockyyn juuri Seinäjoella, Pohjanmaala. Käsittämätöntä, että mikään, mikä on kotoisin tältä planeetalta, voi iskeä meihin vastaavalla voimalla: tämän lähempänä täydellistä transsia emme ikinä ole olleet! Kiitos jokaiselle sielulle, joka on ollut tekemisissä Rocky Horror Show produktiossa. Kiitos Seinäjoen kaupunginteatterille, joka ei pelästynyt Rocky-kulttilaisten hilpeää interaktiivisuutta. Kiitos Richard O'Brien! Tähän sairauteen on ollut suloista tarttua!

(Ote fanikirjeestä 26.9.'95)

Eihän se helppoa ollut, mutta niinhän se on... mitä kovempi prosessi, sen kirkkaampi timantti! Älä haaveile, ole se!

Olli-Matti Oinonen

Levynteossa mukana olleille erityiskiitokset: Allu, Big Saarinen, Duke, Esa-Heikki, Hoppe, Sakke ja Lasse, Samppa, Säätiö/Latvis, Pertti Hakala, YLE/Tarppa

Soita levyä lujaa, taas kerran aikahyppy tee!


Esitetty ensin Theatre Upstairissa Lontoosa 19.7.1973. [First performed at the Theatre Upstairs in London 19.7.1973]
Ensi-ilta Sinäjoen Kaupunginteatterissa perjantaina 7.4.1995. [Premiere in Seinäjoki City Theatre on Friday 7.4.1995]
Suomennos (Translation): Mauri "Moog" Konttinen
Ohjaus (Director): Olli-Matti Oinonen
Musiikin johton (Music Conductor): Timo Ristilä

Roolit (Roles)

Frank-N-Furter: Mika Honkanen
Janet Weiss: Minna Hirvijärvi
Brad Majors: Marko Honkanen
Riff-Raff: Antti Niskanen
Magenta/Usherette: Minna Kangas
Columbia: Mari-Mimmi Alanärä
Eddie: Jukka-Pekka Jyrä
Tohtori Everett Scott: Risto-Pekka Tokoi
Rocky Horror: Tommi Mustakorpi
Kertoja (Narrator): Kalevi Haapoja

Orkesteri (Orchestra)

Mika Lilja, rummut (drums)
Juhani Nisula, kitara (guitar)
Jarkko Salo & Tim Ristilä, koskettimet (keyboard)
Mika Mäki-Mantila, basso (bass)
Petri Kvimäki, saksofoni (saxophone)
Timo Ristilä, koskettimet (keyboard)

Kuoro (Choir)

Johanna Rajamäki, Hanna Alanen, Mirja Mustakorpi, Tiina Jouppi, Marja Kiiskilä, Liisa Myllykoski, Tiina Keski-Salmi, Katja Isomäki, Riika Hiltunen, Katri Järventausta, Leena Kangas, Anne-Mari Koivisto, Tommi Haapaniemi, Anna-Mari Hiironen, Hanna Männikkö, Markku Wiio, Karri Koskenkorva, Tomi Rinta-Mäenpää, Niina Rintamäki, Marja Kaitaniemi

Musiikki ja sanat RICHARD O'BRIEN, Druidcrest Limited/Warner Chappell
ISRC: FIUNP9500145-160

TUOTTAJA (Producer): Timo Ristilä
MIKSAUS (Mixing): SoundWall Studio/Petteri Karri
ÄÄNITYS: Seinäjoen Kaupunginteatterin esitys 27.5.1995/Soundwall Mobile [Recorded at Seinajoki City Theatre 27.5.1995/Soundwall Mobile]
VALOKUVAT (Photos): Seinäjoen Kaupunginteatteri
GRAAFINEN SUUNNITTELU (Graphic Design): Anja Koskela
MASTEROINTI (Mastering): Finnvox/Mika Jussila

Poko Records
P.O. Box 483
Tampere, Finland
Tel: +358-31-2136 800
Fax: +358-31-2133 732