"The Stanford Fleet Street Singers, or Fleet Street, as we're known to the popular masses of Stanford University, are sixteen men devoted to the professional presentation of pure a cappella." This album includes their all-male a cappella rendition of The Time Warp.
USA ©1998 The Stanford Fleet Street Singers (FSCD-1998)
Total running time: 39:40
Produced by John Niekrasz and Matthew Hempey
Engineered, mixed, and recorded by Bill Hare, Bill Hare Productions, Milpitas, CA
Percussion recorded by John Niekrasz at CCRMA, Stanford, CA (tracks 2, 5, 8)
Sound effects recorded by Matthew Hempey and John Niekrasz at CCRMA, Stanford, CA (tracks 2, 4-6)
Backgrounds recorded at Music Annex, Menlo Park, CA (tracks 2-5, 11)
Mastered by Michael Romanowski at Rocket Labs, San Francisco, CA
Artwork and design by Matthew Hempey
Text by Anthony Basile, John Davi, Matthew Hempey, and John Niekrasz
Photography by Colin Ritter and Kym Solheim
Marketing and promotion by Nate Whitman and Anthony Basile
Performed by The Stanford Fleet Street Singers, 1997-1998
Dancing Queen by Fleet Street '94-'95
Backgrounds on tracks 2-5 and 11 by Fleet Street '96-'97, including Anand Desai, Matt "Pork" Giamporcaro, Jeremy Henrickson, Justin Leonard, Andreas "Dre" Sahar, and Dan Wolk
Jason Engleman, '00
Nathan "Wheatie" Reed, '99
Nate Whitman, '98
David "Weasel" Wiesen, '99
Anthony "Spice" Basile, '00
John Davi, '00 Business Manager
John "Gramps" Niekrasz, '99
Jeff "Schweg" Schwegman, '01
Matthew "Hemp" Hempey, MS '98 Musical Director
Tim Quinn, '98
Scott Reilly, '00 Punt
Colin "Critter" Ritter, '01
Jeff Gable, '01
Serban Hartular, '01
Matthew Mori, '00 (on cover)
Don and Robin Kennedy, Brooke Eittreim Alicaya, The Stanford Fund, Arcadio and Ellen Morales, Twain Hall, Jeannie Meyer, Jenny Hare, The Princeton Tigerlilies, Molly McKew, Brenda Fearme, the Old Farts, and all the artists whose songs we perform.
A special thank you to Bill Hare, whose dedication, talent, and imagination played an integral role in this production.
Copyright © 1997 - 2025 Shawn McHorse. Send comments to shawn@rockymusic.org.