The Musical World of Rocky Horror

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Rocky Horror Cover Songs - Studio Recordings: 48 sound files        23,226 views

Aidan Bell

Anthony Head

Bad Whoremoans

Bates Motel


Debria Brown

Easy Big Fella

Idle Thoughts and the Prince Albert Rocky Horror Cast

Jad Wio

Just Us Girls

Life Organisation

Lou & The Hollywood Bananas

  • Time Warp - 3:15, 251 kbps MP3, 5.8 MB (21.4 MB lossless FLAC also available). Francis "Lou" Deprijck with Helena and Heidi. This track was also released in French as "Troisiéme dimension". Contributed by Jochen B.


Oliver Klein

Rumble On The Beach

  • Time Warp - 3:28, 245 kbps MP3, 6.1 MB. German psychobilly band.

Stanford Fleet Street Singers

  • The Time Warp - 3:17, 261 kbps MP3, 6.1 MB (22.2 MB lossless FLAC also available). "The Stanford Fleet Street Singers, or Fleet Street, as we're known to the popular masses of Stanford University, are sixteen men devoted to the professional presentation of pure a cappella."

Steve Whitney Band

Suburban Legends

Syusy Blady

The JunkHeads

The New Group


University of Pittsburgh Varsity Marching Band

  • Time Warp - 3:04, 236 kbps MP3, 5.2 MB. Obviously this is an instrumental version of The Time Warp, since it's being performed by a college marching band...:-)

Warp Machine

Ziggy Byfield