The Musical World of Rocky Horror

Return of Captain Invincible (Theatrical Trailer)        2,434 views

CATEGORY: Movie Trailers      TAGS: Christopher Lee Return of Captain Invincible Richard Hartley Richard O'Brien
2 minutes 37 seconds (660x360, 30 fps, 17.5 MB)      [ Switch to SD Video: 540x295, 30 fps, 12.9 MB ]
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"It's the Return of Captain Invincible, Legend in Leotards, Caped Contender, and Man of Magnet." Alan Arkin is Captain Invincible, while Christopher Lee is his arch-enemy Mr. Midnight. Richard O'Brien wrote three songs for this 1983 film, with Richard Hartley arranging the music: "Mr. Evil Midnight", "Choose Your Poison", and "Captain Invincible".