The Musical World of Rocky Horror

Dresden Dolls: 2 links

Dresden Dolls: 2 videos

Science Fiction/Double Feature (2006-07-28) by Dresden DollsScience Fiction/Double Feature (2006-07-28) - 4 minutes 49 seconds (320x240, 30 fps, 11.4 MB). Live at the Capital Hill Arts Center in Seattle, Washington on July 28th, 2006 as part of the Fuck The Back Row tour.
Science Fiction/Double Feature (2006-07-30) by Dresden DollsScience Fiction/Double Feature (2006-07-30) - 2 minutes 31 seconds (320x240, 29 fps, 5.8 MB). Live at the Bridge Theater in San Francisco, California on July 30th, 2006 as part of the Fuck The Back Row tour.

Dresden Dolls: 4 sound files

Rocky Horror Cover Songs - Live Performances