The Musical World of Rocky Horror

Live: 4 albums

Die Rocky Horror Show (Live in Deutscher Sprache)Die Rocky Horror Show (Live in Deutscher Sprache) (1980) - Recorded live on January 20th, 1980 at Theater Essen in Essen, Germany.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show & Live '91 In Tokiwaza, JapanThe Rocky Horror Picture Show & Live '91 In Tokiwaza, Japan CD (1992) - Live rock band performances of Rocky Horror songs.
by RBD (2005) - Includes Baile Del Sapo (a spanish language version of The Time Warp).
Non sognarlo Puoi Esserlo (tratto dal Rocky Horror Picture Show) by Apple PieNon sognarlo Puoi Esserlo (tratto dal Rocky Horror Picture Show) CD by Apple Pie (2006) - Recorded live on April 6th, 2005 at Teatro Verdi Cesena in Cesena, Italy.

Live: 62 videos

Live: 4 tracks

Live: 297 sound files