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Meat Loaf - Live in New York 1999: 5 videos

Meat Loaf performs live in June 1999 at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City, recorded for broadcast on VH1. Female vocals by Patti Russo and Pearl Aday (Meat Loaf's daughter).

Bat out of Hell (1999) by Meat LoafBat out of Hell (1999) - 10 minutes 15 seconds (540x407, 25 fps, 73.3 MB). Meat Loaf performs this Jim Steinman song from the 1977 Bat Out Of Hell album live at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City in June 1999.
I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That - 1999) by Meat LoafI'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That - 1999) - 6 minutes 34 seconds (540x407, 25 fps, 47.0 MB). Meat Loaf and Patti Russo perform his #1 hit Jim Steinman song from the 1993 Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell album live at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City in June 1999.
You Took the Words Right out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night - 1999) by Meat LoafYou Took the Words Right out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night - 1999) - 4 minutes 31 seconds (540x407, 25 fps, 32.3 MB). Meat Loaf performs this Jim Steinman song from the 1977 Bat Out Of Hell album live at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City in June 1999. He's seated between Pearl Aday (his daughter) and Patti Russo, as backup singers.
I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth - 1999) by Meat LoafI'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth - 1999) - 6 minutes 38 seconds (540x407, 25 fps, 47.4 MB). Meat Loaf and Patti Russo perform this Diane Warren song from the 1995 Welcome to the Neighbourhood album, live at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City in June 1999.
Paradise By The Dashboard Light (1999) by Meat LoafParadise By The Dashboard Light (1999) - 9 minutes 2 seconds (540x407, 25 fps, 64.7 MB). Meat Loaf and Patti Russo perform his signature Jim Steinman song from the 1977 Bat Out Of Hell album in their wedding formals, live at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City in June 1999. The ending is amusingly censored for VH1, complete with blurred out middle fingers.