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Meat Loaf - Live in London 1987: 8 videos

Meat Loaf performs live in 1987 for the London Meltdown Concert. Female vocals by sisters Amy and Elaine Goff.

Blind Before I Stop (1987) by Meat LoafBlind Before I Stop (1987) - 4 minutes 10 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 27.9 MB). Meat Loaf performs this song from the 1986 Blind Before I Stop album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987. Song written by Paul Christie, John Golden, and Meat Loaf.
Masculine (1987) by Meat LoafMasculine (1987) - 6 minutes 37 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 44.3 MB). Meat Loaf performs this Rick Derringer song from the 1986 Blind Before I Stop album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987.
Rock 'n' Roll Mercenaries (1987) by Meat LoafRock 'n' Roll Mercenaries (1987) - 4 minutes 7 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 27.6 MB). Meat Loaf performs this song from the 1986 Blind Before I Stop album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987. Song written by Michael Dan Ehmig and Alan Hodge.
Execution Day (1987) by Meat LoafExecution Day (1987) - 6 minutes 52 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 46.0 MB). Meat Loaf performs this song from the 1986 Blind Before I Stop album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987. Song written by Meat Loaf and Dick Wagner.
You Took the Words Right out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night - 1987) by Meat LoafYou Took the Words Right out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night - 1987) - 6 minutes 55 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 46.3 MB). Meat Loaf performs this Jim Steinman song from the 1977 Bat Out Of Hell album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987.
Dead Ringer for Love (1987) by Meat LoafDead Ringer for Love (1987) - 7 minutes 43 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 51.6 MB). Meat Loaf performs this Jim Steinman song from the 1981 Dead Ringer album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987. Female vocals by sisters Amy and Elaine Goff.
Modern Girl (1987) by Meat LoafModern Girl (1987) - 8 minutes 58 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 60.1 MB). Meat Loaf performs this song by Paul Jacobs and Sarah Durkee from the 1984 Bad Attitude album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987. Followed by band and backup vocalist introductions.
Bat out of Hell (1987) by Meat LoafBat out of Hell (1987) - 11 minutes 44 seconds (540x421, 25 fps, 78.6 MB). Meat Loaf performs this Jim Steinman song from the 1977 Bat Out Of Hell album live at the London Meltdown concert in 1987.