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Little Nell - Music Videos: 2 videos

Beauty Queen by Little NellBeauty Queen - 2 minutes 18 seconds (540x412, 30 fps, 15.4 MB). Little Nell performs the song Beauty Queen for the 1980 film Alternative Miss World. Master of Ceremonies Andrew Logan can be seen briefly beforehand.
Stilettos and Lipstick & Do The Swim by Little NellStilettos and Lipstick & Do The Swim - 4 minutes 57 seconds (320x240, 25 fps, 11.4 MB). Little Nell performs Stilettos and Lipstick, followed by her "hit" song Do The Swim. Granted this isn't much more than Little Nell dancing around in a red swimsuit, but it's cute nonetheless...:-) She was apparently a member of the Australian swimming team for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany.